Tracking the User Journey in Google Data Studio

For the last three years, I have been working more intensively on the topic of the user journey or customer journey. This is based on the realization that it is difficult to predict user behavior. Therefore, you have to rely on an iterative process of measuring, learning and building. It’s helpful to have a KPI dashboard that maps the user journey and that you can use to guide your decisions.

In this post, I will show you how to build such a customer journey tracking dashboard with the help of Google Data Studio.

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Show and analyse Gitlab issues in Google Sheets

Back in May of this year, I showed how to display data from Gitlab in a Google Sheet using the GitLab API and Google App Scripts. Based on this, a new script has been created in the last few days that I would like to share with you. This time it’s about querying a whole …

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Create serial letters with Google Docs/Suite

Be it an invitation to a birthday party, a circular letter to the club members or any other marketing activity. Serial letters enable an automated and yet personalized approach to the recipients. In this article I would like to show how Google Sheets and Google Docs can be used to send even elaborately designed documents …

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How to delete an Amazon S3 Glacier Vault

I never thought I would write a blog post about this topic. But after the simple task “Delete Glacier-Vaults” cost me quite some time, I want to share the suffering at this point.

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Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Work more effectively with Pomodoro

You know what that is? Your todo list is full of hundreds of topics and you stand there like paralyzed and don’t know where to start? The some or other important task is still not done? You feel unproductive and annoyed? The Pomodoro technique can help!

That is what this article is about. Five very simple steps that help you to tackle work consistently, keep track, avoid procrastination and feel productive.

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Gesund Leben

7 values of a healthy life

Everyday life is just rushing by. Dates, projects, friends and other topics keep us busy. So it is important not to fall by the wayside and to lead your way back to a healthy life. What does healthy actually mean?

Today’s article will focus on the values that lead us to a healthier life.

Have you discovered the Holy Grail yourself? Then maybe it is still worth reading the article and expanding on it through your own experiences.

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Photo by M. B. M. on Unsplash

Stock analysis with Google Sheets

If you deal with the investment of money on the stock market, you will encounter numerous tools that provide you with evaluations and statistics. As a big Excel/Google Sheets fan I love to tinker with individual evaluations. In this article I would like to show you which reports you can create with the help of Google Sheets.

Google offers own functions in Google Sheets through their service “Google Finance”. You can use these functions to create very comfortable reports.

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